I just watched a program on channel 7 called Sunday Night.
It had a segment on the plight of the Gorillas in the Congo's. At first, like many of you out there, I watched with the oohs and awwws in seeing these beautiful animals in their natural habitat with their incredible nature and bond as a family. Then of course things turned uncomfortable, the music changed, scene became darker and you just KNEW that this was going to make you FEEL and I'm sure like many of you I reached for the remote, not daring to be "upset" by the next scenes. But I didn't, and even tho my heart broke and tears streamed I watched in anguish which quickly turned to anger and disillusionment of the human race.
If you haven't seen what I'm talking about (or like so many others you turned the channel) you can watch this:
or go here to see what is becoming of these magnificent animals.
Here's a some information to tide you over:
Gorillas share as much as 97%- 98% DNA with us.
Endangered Gorilla Populations – Some Statistics
The last estimated population number of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) was produced in 1996 and stands at around 95,000 individual gorillas left in the wild; the estimated number of Cross River gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli) is 250 to 300 individuals. (6) (In reality however, the figure of 95,000 for western lowland gorillas mentioned above is bound to be much lower due to the new threats to the gorillas’ existence (such as commercial hunting and outbreaks of the Ebola virus) that have not been accounted for before. (7)) The estimated number of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) is around 600 – 640 individuals (8); and the number of eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) is estimated to exceed 8,000 individuals (and possibly be around 17,000) (9).
So think about this:
- There are now less then 800 Gorillas left in the Congo.
- Gorillas only have two natural predators. Leopards and Humans.
- Once the Gorillas are gone, humans are next
Thats the extent of it. Once they are gone. We are next. That is not fear mongering.. thats a fact.
How long are we as a human race going to wear our blindfolds, or turn our heads because it becomes 'to upsetting' 'to uncomfortable'?
We all witnessed the outrage people felt the past few weeks concerning Kony 2012 - 81,927,739 views on YouTube
George Clooney is doing his bit getting the information out there with 244,043 hits on YouTube
yet the film Earthlings has only had over 29,000 views on YouTube
When we will see that having more is killing us?
How can it be that we tell ourselves we are more "evolved" then any other species on this Earth yet we allow ourselves to be blindfolded.
We cannot blame our Governments or the Rebels.
We cannot blame the corrupt or the wealthy.
We must look closer to home for the blame. You have a voice. Isn't it about time you used it?
sites you can visit to find out more:
Clean Up Australia
Animals Australia
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